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If you are thinking about whether to enter a substance abuse treatment facility, here at a drug rehab facility in Tucson, Arizona is like as well as what they do for clients. It’s the perfect way to learn more about how you can benefit from spending time in a rehab facility.
At a Tucson addiction recovery center, you have to stop using when you enter. That means you will quickly start to experience withdrawal. The more of the drug you have used, the faster withdrawal will come and the more intense it will be. The specific drug you use determines what the symptoms will be. A qualified staff always makes sure to pay close attention to new arrivals due to their withdrawal. This is a particularly uncomfortable and unpleasant time, but it does not last long. Getting through withdrawal is the first step on the road to recovery.
When you are ready to function again, even if you have not finished withdrawal completely, an administrative staff will connect you with a therapist who will support and guide you. Therapy at a Tucson addiction recovery facility is a crucial method of treating addiction. It helps you learn about yourself and how addiction works for you so you can understand how to stop it. For example, many people have their first experience with drug use when they are trying to escape stress, trauma that happened in the past, an unhealthy living situation, a mental illness, or another complication. Therapy can show you other means to cope with these stressful events so you can replace your drug use with healthier activities and thoughts. Therapy takes trust and time, especially if you have had life experience that has made you reluctant to trust other people. The sooner you can open up, though, the better your time at the addiction treatment center in Tucson will be.
They employ group therapy at the addiction treatment facility in Tucson as another way to learn and grow. In this case, rather than learning with a therapist, you learn with your peers. A group will combine people with different and similar experiences so they can teach each other and reach common conclusions about how to be successful. Building relationships with your peers is also good practice for healthy interactions in the outside world. Drug rehab centers are not just about addiction recovery, they are there to help you gain the skills you need to thrive.
Once you exit the drug detox clinic in Tucson, Arizona, they provide you with as much support as they can. For example, they try to explore your options for housing and employment, guide you towards helpful government programs, and make referrals to other care providers of various kinds. They won’t kick you out and hope everything works out. They understand that this is a difficult transition and they want to make it easier on you if they can.
Don’t try to suffer in silence or go cold turkey without help. Give us a call and they can listen to your story and talk to you about what they can do to help. Get in touch today.